General Farm Labourer Jobs in Canda

Marques Gardens Ltd

General farm labourers play a vital role in the Canadian agricultural industry, performing a wide range of tasks to maintain and operate farms. These tasks include planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops; operating and maintaining farm machinery and equipment; cleaning and maintaining farm buildings and structures; feeding and caring for livestock; and assisting with various other farm-related activities.

General Farm Labourer Jobs in Canada. Posts have been announced by the Company “Marques Gardens Ltd” which is based in Bradford, ON, Canada. Moreover, you can apply for these posts on or before 13.12.2023. More so, these jobs are verified by Jobbank and have no placement fee.

The specific responsibilities of general farm labourers can vary depending on the type of farm and the specific needs of the employer. However, some common duties include:

  • Planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops: This may involve preparing the soil, seeding or transplanting crops, weeding, fertilizing, irrigating, and harvesting crops by hand or using machinery.

  • Operating and maintaining farm machinery and equipment: This may involve driving tractors, trucks, and other vehicles; operating harvesting equipment, irrigation systems, and other machinery; and performing basic maintenance and repairs.

  • Cleaning and maintaining farm buildings and structures: This may involve cleaning barns, stables, pens, and other farm buildings; repairing fences, sheds, and other structures; and maintaining cleanliness and sanitation standards.

  • Feeding and caring for livestock: This may involve providing animals with feed and water, cleaning their living areas, and monitoring their health.

  • Assisting with various other farm-related activities: This may include tasks such as packing produce, repairing fences, and assisting with animal husbandry practices.

Jobs Title

  1. General Farm Labourer

Qualification etc.

  • Experience is not necessary.
  • No education.
  • English Language.


$ 16.55 hourly


  • Health benefits.
  • Financial benefits.
  • Long-term benefits.
  • Free parking is available.
  • Travel insurance.

How to Apply

The candidates who desire to apply for the vacant posts may send applications covering all the requisite qualifications and experience to the following address.

Address; >>>>pdne@rogers.comĀ 

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